Archive for Table quiz

Table Quiz in St. Vincents GAA Club

The Cycle of America Team held a table quiz in St. Vincent’s GAA Club, the former hurling Club of cyclist Eoin McNamara, on Wednesday 14 July. There was a great turnout of family, friends and locals, with everyone enjoying the challenging questions. The quiz, mastered by driver Rob Shiels, and raffle together raised over €700 for the cause!

A big ‘thank you’ goes to the staff of St. Vincents for their help in advertising and promoting the quiz, and well done to the winners John G, John S, Derek and Colm who went away with wine donated by Michael Slattery Wines and Spirits, and comedy tickets donated by The Helix Theatre.

Other kind sponsors of raffle prizes were:

Kay Bradfield – Artist;


AM Frames, Drumcondra;

Bradley’s Pharmacy, Drumcondra;

Banks Pharmacy, Marino;

David Boles Pharmacy, Drumcondra;

Michael Slattery Wines and Spirits;

Canters Restaurant, Fairview;

The Helix Theatre;

West Wood Health Clubs;

Susan Ross Ltd (Ladies Fashion);

Cabello Hair Design;

Power City;

Carolans Off License, Drumcondra; and

Butlers Pantry, Clontarf.

Thanks to all of the above business and remember to shop local!

Below are some pictures from the night:

€800 Raised in Leixlip!

Our table quiz went off with a bang in Leixlip last Friday. Great craic was had and a table of local lads made off with first prize.
The raffle, with a whopping 25 prizes, was a great success, with enticing hampers and other lovely goodies from our kind sponsors.
Local photographer Rob Love from the Liffey Champion was on hand to take pictures of the event.
We’d like to say a big thank you to Micheal Kearney for writing the questions and hosting the event, Mary Lyons and Betty O’Dwyer for helping out, and to Pat Morgan for keeping tabs on the scores. And let’s not forget St. Mary’s GAA and staff for all their help!

Last but definitely not least, I’d like to thank all our sponsors for the night, especially SHS Sales and Marketing for the wonderful hampers.

Up coming events/fundraisers

If you missed the opportunity to show off your brain power in either of our quizzes last week, fear not!  We have another quiz organised for July 14 (was previously listed as July 21 but has since been changed) in GAA club in  St.Vincents GAA Club .  All are welcome and bring your friends along!!

If you’re a fan of good music, good pub atmosphere and would love the chance to win some fantastic prizes then be sure to be at the Leitrim Lounge, Wicklow town on Saturday 10 July where local band Feedback will be rocking the house down!!

Rob’s band Brazen Lungs will be playing in Whelan’s, Wexford Street on 18 July in what has been billed as potentially the all time best going away gig ever in the world and is not to be missed!

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Fundraising Update

Don’t forget for anyone that is living in the Maynooth area you have the opportunity to impress everyone with your physical greatness by competing in a sponsored 5 mile run in Glen Royal gym on Friday 9 July .  Simply collect your sponsorship card from reception and sign up to do the run at a time that suits you!

Catherine McGrath and James Chew  of the social club in Citigroup were absolute godsends  when it came to the organisation and running of the quiz held by Citigroup in The Vault, last Thursday (24 June) .  The quiz was highly attended and there was a hard fought battle for first place prize of an extra day off work!  The quiz raised   hundreds and the total amount is ever increasing,   which includes  the auctioning of another day off work on the night raising €106 .

McSavage Comedy Night

Comedian extraordinaire Dave McSavage provided a night of great entertainment and quick witted humour in the Twisted Pepper on Abbey Street last night ( Thursday 17 June 2010 ).  If you missed Dave McSavage and what another opportunity to see him, then head along to Wicklow Town’s brand new comedy club in the Grand Hotel on June 25 th .  Bringing with him comedians Sharon and Jonathan, both of whom are performing in the Street Performing World Championship this weekend in Merrion Street this weekend ( 19 and 20 June 2010 ), we were provided with a great night of international comedy.  Be sure to head down to the Street Performing World Championship to catch these acts and many, many more.  All events are free and you can vote for your favourite act!

We’re still in the process of counting the funds raised last night and will provide an update as soon as we can.  A big thank you to everyone who came along and also to the Twisted Pepper for providing a fantastic venue.

Don’t forget there are still loads of ways to support the Irish Cancer Society and the Livestrong foundation with our upcoming events, our next event is the Citigroup Table quiz (unfortunatly only open to citigroup employees) on Thursday 24 th June on in the Vault, with an incredible first place prize of an extra day off work!  For all those brain-boxes out there, don’t fret, we haven’t left ye out- we’ll be hosting a table quiz in Leixlip on Friday 25 th June 2010 where you can give your brain matter a good workout!

Those based in Wicklow, we have it on good authority that we will be featured in the Wicklow People this coming Wednesday 23 rd June so be sure to go out and get a copy!  Also don’t forget we have the best band in the county- Feedback – headlining a gig in the Leitrim Lounge on Friday 10 th July , fantastic music and great atmosphere so don’t miss it!!

Fundraising Update and upcoming events

Just to keep everyone up to date- we have raised €5,000 so far!  Well done and thank you to everyone who has donated or helped raised money.  We have a number of events coming up in the next few weeks.

We’ll be collecting outside Tesco in Maynooth on Saturday 29 th May .  Anyone in the area with an hour or two to spare is more than welcome to come down and grab a bucket!

Back in the big city we have managed to arrange a comedy night in the Twisted Pepper on Abbey Street (on the red line Luas stop- not far from Jervis) on Thursday 17 June with Dave McSavage and friends.

For those of you fortunate enough to work with Mark, the social club in Citi Group has arranged a table quiz for employees with top prize being an extra day off work!  Best prize ever!!  Be sure to get studying now!

We are hosting another table quiz (open to everyone this time) in Lexslip, St Mary’s GAA Club at 9pm on Friday 25 June .  Everyone welcome- bring all your friends and family!

For our supporters in the Garden County- never fear, you have not been left out!  Wicklow locals Feedback have agreed to headline a night of great music at the Leitrim Pub in Wicklow Town on July 10 th .  A raffle will be held during the night with fantastic prizes galore!

Also thanks to those who have volunteered to do the Women’s mini marathon ( June Bank Holiday in Dublin ) on our behalf, much appreciated!  For anyone else who wants to take part in this fantastic event for us, get in touch with us through facebook or email and we can send you out a sponsorship card.