Archive for Brazen Lungs

[VIDEO] The COA Sings On TV and experiences a Wardrobe Malfunction

In what was America’s biggest musical-television ratings smash since Glee, the Cycle of America team threw a musical fundraiser in Austintown, Ohio that was captured by two local TV news crews.

O’Donold’s Irish Pub kindly let Rob “Yossarian Lives” Shiels from Irish band Brazen Lungs play a set to raise money for the Livestrong Foundation. Watch the video to see him and young troubadour Mark Leonard in action!

Plus, stay tuned to the end to witness a sartorial error on the part of the COA’s wardrobe department.

Watch the video

For more on Yossarian Lives, visit Yossarian Lives on Bandcamp

For more on Brazen Lungs, visit

St. Peter Fundraiser.

$190 was raised last night in Patrick’s Irish pub in St. Peter, Minnesota. Talented singer/songwriter Rob Shiels of Brazen Lungs (coincidentally, also of Cycle of America 2010) performed a varied musical set and entertained the patrons of Patrick’s.

The wonderful staff went out of their way to help us. They loaned us a guitar and donated $2 from every pint of guinness bought that night. They even fed and watered us!

A huge thank you to John Mayer the owner, Brian the manager, Mathias, and the rest of the staff at Patrick’s. You guys are awesome!

Charity Single Launched: “You, Disassembled” by Brazen Lungs

The cover of "You, Disassembed" by Brazen Lungs. Designed by Stephen McGuinness

Last Sunday saw the launch of the Cycle of America 2010 charity single.  “You, Disassembled” was written and recorded by Dublin indie-pop band Brazen Lungs and is availabe online for only a euro!

If you’re in Ireland, simply text “music 6129” (without the quotation marks) to 57501.  Then, simply go to to claim your copy.

If you’re outside Ireland, you’ll need a credit card. Simply go here: and add it to your cart.

Thank you! All money made from the single will go straight to the Irish Cancer Society and the Livestrong Foundation.  Plus, if you buy before Thursday this week it will count towards the Irish charts!

In case you’re wondering, the song is about destroying something you love and the ensuing regret.  Also, robots.

Hello! Me and the Brazen Lungs lads have released a charity single, “You, Disassembled”. It’s for the Cycle of America 2010. We’d all really appreciate if you downloaded it this week. It’s only a euro.

If you’re in Ireland, simply text “music 6129” (without the quotation marks) to 57501. They’ll send you a PIN. Enter the PIN and your phone number on and the song is yours.

If you’re outside Ireland, you’ll need a credit card. Simply go here:,-disassembled and add it to your cart.

Thank you! All money we make from the single will go straight to the Irish Cancer Society and the Livestrong Foundation.

Goodbye Party in Whelan’s, Dublin.

Thank you to all who attended the Cycle of America 2010 Goodbye Party!  Three wonderful Irish bands – Radio Kaliningrad, Chayka and Brazen Lungs – wowed the audience at Whelan’s last Sunday.  Circa 10 o’clock the whole CoA2010 Team took to the stage, and Mark delivered a heartfelt Thank You speech to the rapt audience.

Thanks must also be given to the bands, without whom the night wouldn’t have been so enjoyable.  They are:

Radio Kaliningrad –

Chayka –

Brazen Lungs –