Archive for May 25, 2010

How you can help – Donating blood platelets

The Cycle of America Team would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to everyone who has donated money and time to helping our cause.  We have made lots of money for our charities and we hope this will continue with more fundraising events both here and in the USA .

We want to remind people as well that they can contribute in many ways to help in the fight against cancer.  While our aim for this cycle is to help raise as much money as we can for patient care, there are many other ways in which ordinary people like ourselves and you can help out.

  • Platelets are small cells in your blood that allows your blood to clot properly.  Platelets are used to save the life of seriously ill patients, mostly cancer patients.  The procedure is simple, only takes an hour and doesn’t hurt- your blood is passed through a special machine that removes the platelets and then returned to you while the collected platelets are passed on to those who need it.  You can get straight back to your normal life and activities after given platelets.  An hour from your day may save someone’s life.  Please consider giving platelets if eligible.  Please log onto the Irish Blood Transfusion Board website for more details and to see if you qualify to donate: .  For those who do not meet qualifying criteria we urge you to consider giving blood on a regular basis if possible instead.
  • Volunteering your time and skills is a very rewarding way to spend your spare few hours.  Instead of lounging around on the sofa or walking around shopping centres put a few of those hours you have spare to good use.  Volunteer your time by working at one of the ICS charity shops or become a volunteer at one of the ICS’s walk in Daffodil Services.

Mark’s Exam

We want to wish Mark the very best of luck with his exam tomorrow (Wed 26/05/2010)- we know how hard he’s been working and considering the mammoth amount of work he’s been putting into the organisation of the cycle it can’t have been easy.  We’ll have our fingers crossed for you!

Fundraising on Grafton Street

We have applied to the Gardai for permission to set up street collections on Henry Street and Grafton Street for June and July and are in the final stage before we get approval- so it’s looking good.

We plan to start our collection on June 19 th and from then every Saturday in June and July .  To help us out, even if just for an hour or so, get in touch with one of the lads, email us or leave a message on Facebook.  Again, any help you can give would be very much appreciated.

Northside People, Wicklow People

Mark did a fantastic job representing the Cycle of America 2010 team in Dublin-based weekly paper The Northside People.  The article is available from today, Wednesday 12 th May.  Get your copy now!!

Also, keep an eye out in the Wicklow People: William is giving another interview this week and it should be appearing in the paper soon.

Fundraising Update and upcoming events

Just to keep everyone up to date- we have raised €5,000 so far!  Well done and thank you to everyone who has donated or helped raised money.  We have a number of events coming up in the next few weeks.

We’ll be collecting outside Tesco in Maynooth on Saturday 29 th May .  Anyone in the area with an hour or two to spare is more than welcome to come down and grab a bucket!

Back in the big city we have managed to arrange a comedy night in the Twisted Pepper on Abbey Street (on the red line Luas stop- not far from Jervis) on Thursday 17 June with Dave McSavage and friends.

For those of you fortunate enough to work with Mark, the social club in Citi Group has arranged a table quiz for employees with top prize being an extra day off work!  Best prize ever!!  Be sure to get studying now!

We are hosting another table quiz (open to everyone this time) in Lexslip, St Mary’s GAA Club at 9pm on Friday 25 June .  Everyone welcome- bring all your friends and family!

For our supporters in the Garden County- never fear, you have not been left out!  Wicklow locals Feedback have agreed to headline a night of great music at the Leitrim Pub in Wicklow Town on July 10 th .  A raffle will be held during the night with fantastic prizes galore!

Also thanks to those who have volunteered to do the Women’s mini marathon ( June Bank Holiday in Dublin ) on our behalf, much appreciated!  For anyone else who wants to take part in this fantastic event for us, get in touch with us through facebook or email and we can send you out a sponsorship card.


This week we still managed to fit in a lot of training, despite all the media attention from George Hook and The Irish Times!  Again early mornings were had, but we have varied the route to include more hill training, after what George said about the Rockies- we’re not taking any chances!!

And just to add a bit of variety to the training we (William and Mark) are also entering into duathlons and triathlons.  This training (swimming, cycling and running for anyone who doesn’t know) will help with general fitness levels which can only help us as we take on the Rockies and the heat of the USA !

An Irishman’s Diary in the Irish Times

Not only did William make a special appearance on George Hook’s “The Right Hook” on Friday last, but on the same day the Irish Times published an article on the Cycle of America Team.  To check out the article go to An Irishman’s Diary.

George Hook interviews William on Newstalk

William appeared on the George Hook Talk Show on News Talk 106.  He talked about our fear of conquering the dreaded Rockies, our training and the towns we plan on cycling through. He gave a great account of the CoA Team and we hope to appear on the show again in the near future. Thanks a lot to George Hook for all the support and we look forward to him welcoming us into Washington D.C.

Listen to William’s interview:

[audio:|titles=George Hook interviews William]