4th September Rockford, IL to Chicago, IL by Mark


Chicago the destination and this was a metropolis which we had to plan carefully for.We made the plan to cycle to Yorkville which is a suburb of Chicago rather than cycle into downtown Chicago where we were staying. Rode on a difficult road to Yorkville  where  “the support team” , met us and  drove to the city where we would be then dropped back out to restart the cycle from the next day.The main event of the day was William’s crash into the barrier.The mans story was that he was cycling along and the barrier came out of nowhere and hit himbut in reality ,Kerwinator was cycling with no hands looking at the gps when boom he hit the barrier.At first sight it looked pretty serious as looking over muy shoulder I could not even see the handsome head of Kerwin.All that could be seen was Kerwins legs dangling in the air attached to the bike.It would have been a perfect photo op but I wasn’t sure of the seriousness of the crash.I arrived to find a smiling Kerwin,showing his cut to the index of his finger.(see pics below)

We cycled the highway 51 for the majority of the journey with wind at our backs.Only the one puncture to McNamara’s tyre sustained.I keep telling the man ,if he wasn’ts me to slow down ,simply ask.

It’s a landmark achievement to make it to Chicago and with the rest day the following day we could let the hair down and enjoy what turned out to be a fantastic fundraiser at the Irish Oak bar ,raising over $900

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