Burnt out Lodge and Big Timber.

Last night we stayed at Burnt Out Lodge, a big, log cabin out in the wilderness. It sits in a valley beside a creek, in the midst of a forest that was burned by a forest fire in 1994. There are burned tree trunks everywhere, jutting eerily from the hillsides. There were also a lot of deer! William "Beastmaster" Kerwin went hunting deer with his bare hands after spotting them outside the lodge. A huge thank you to Ruth and her husband for letting us stay free at their lodge, and for the massive breakfast this morning!

We took a trip into the town of Big Timber, ate some truly gigantic burgers (pounders!) and had fun playing with the merchandise at the local gift shop, "The Fort." Cowboy hats were bought! Thanks to the lovely ladies working there for putting up with four mad Irishmen.

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