Eoins Blog – Day 8: Superior to Missoula

Day 8: Superior to Missoula – 8th July
Getting up early with no rodeo hangovers, we rolled out of Superior and onto the I-90 again. Mark lead out of the blocks like a train, but no matter how he tried he could not shake Will and Eoin. The terrain we crossed today was mainly rolling hills with a few long drags. The roads were nice and quiet as it was a Sunday morning. We didn’t pass through anywhere of note along the way – the only break being a top-up from the support team.

Today was a day for roadkill though – we saw vultures picking at a dead deer, a snake, some mice and a few racoons. Not distracted by all this morbid excitement, we arrived into town at 1pm having covered 100kms. The scenery we covered today and yesterday has been absolutely amazing. We’ve been following the path that the Clark River has cut out through the Rockies which means on one side we have towering mountains while on the other we have a wide flowing river with emerald green water. It’s been perfect for snapping some good shots. Check out Donal’s photos.

We’ll enjoy a rest day in Missoula tomorrow.

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