A Massive Thank you!

A massive thank you to our hosts here in Seattle, Fidelma McGinn of the Artist’s Trust and her husband, Randy. They’ve been accommodating the team this week, picking people up from the airport at unsociable hours, organising our Launch Party and are helping out in numerous other ways!

The cycle would be starting with a whimper rather than a bang if it wasn’t for this generous pair.

Thanks Fidelma and Randy!

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One comment

  1. Lori says:

    Great way to kick off your Cycle of America at F X McRory’s simultaneously with the Seafair Torchlight Run and Parade. We ventured in for our traditional after parade romp with Alaska Airlines sponsors, the Seafair Clowns and kilt-wearing Seattle Firefighter Bag Pipers when we found these Irish dudes. Launching this awareness and fight for a cure for cancer was a success, let alone cycling 3800 miles beginning today. Have a great time!

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