
In the final weeks before we head over to Washington we want to make a final big push for fundraising and try to get to the €15,000 mark.  We have a lot planned in the next few weeks.

For anyone in the vicinity of Wicklow Town on Saturday 10 th July be sure to drop into the Leitrim Lounge on the seafront to see Feedback perform at 9pm .  Only €5 in, with all proceeds going to the ICS.  We also have a super raffle planned with local shops donating prizes galore- including a beauty treatment, car service voucher, dinner for two, a CD clock radio, a luxury hand bag and many, many more prizes!

A raffle is also planned for Bingo night in the Grand Hotel, Wicklow Town on Monday 12th July.

A big thank you to all sponsors- we will be sure to publish a list of all sponsors so check back soon and be sure to shop local!!

On Friday 9 th July we have a sponsored 5 mile run in the Glenroyal Hotel in Maynooth with a fantastic prize.

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One comment

  1. Amazing achievements on all the fundraising activities! and for a great cause!

    Well done!


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