William’s Head Shave & Chest Wax

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Great craic was had by all who attended the Chest Wax and Head Shave night for the Irish Cancer Society on evening of Friday 26 at Cullen’s Pub in Ballsbridge .  Huge numbers turned up to see AIB’s William shave his head and JP Galvin and Jimmy wFlavin wax their chests.

The night kicked off with the chest wax at 6.30pm with Jimmy bravely volunteering to go first.  One hour and several alcoholic beverages later Jimmy emerged a new man with his previously very, very hairy chest gone and was replaced by new smooth chested Jimmy!    JP was next and thankfully for Dolores, who had just had an impressive upper arm workout with tearing the wax strips from the forest of hair growing on Jimmy’s chest, she didn’t have as much to do.  With only a few yelps of pain JP was soon showing off chest as smooth as a baby’s behind to a cheering crowd!!  William followed his example and with great ease Dolores ripped off the hair William had on his chest while Dave Donnelly contributed a remarkable €50 to have the pleasure of waxing William’s tummy hair.

But William’s contribution to the night didn’t end there; he still had to endure a head shave.  After a few false starts, William’s curls were soon adorning the floor of Cullen’s Pub with nothing left on his head but the very fine layer of hair left behind by a number 1 blade.

The drama and excitement of the head shave was following by a night of great fun in Cullen’s.  Overall €900 was raised on the night.  All money raised will go to help cancer care patients.

We would like to thank Cullen’s for providing a fantastic venue, Keith for doing the head shave, Dolores for the waxing and of course all the people who donated on the night.

Pictures to follow later in the week, we’ll post them on facebook so check back soon- definitely worth seeing!!

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