Charity gig: Heroes in Hiding playing at Crawdaddy

Just to let everyone know- the date of the Heroes In Hiding gig has changed from April 21 to Tuesday 20 April.  Hope ye can still make it!  See you there 🙂

We have a great night coming up on the 2ost of April in Crawdaddy at 7.30p.m ( One of the best, most talked about up and coming Irish bands in the country Heroes in Hiding have agreed to play a charity gig in aid of Cancer.  Thanks in advance to Heroes In Hiding (check them out on myspace!) and to Crawdaddy, Dublin.  All proceeds on the night will go directly to the Irish Cancer Society and the Livestrong Foundation. This promises to be an excellent night of great entertainment.  Tickets on sale on the door on the night so get there early before they are all sold out and bring as many friends as you can!!

If you can’t make it to any of our events but want to make a contribution simply follow our donate now link to our mycharity page and follow online instructions, alternatively you can deposit the money straight into our charity bank account (AIB) sort code: 931365 account number 12606054

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